Panchashil Smart Mobile Banking

About Panchashil
Panchashil Multipurpose Co-operative Ltd (PMCL) was established under the cooperative Act 2048 (regd. no. 43/056/057) by the authority of Nepal Government under the initiative of different experienced people on their related field. It has been performing its entire task from the head office situated at Lalitpur-19, Kumartipati.
Words from CEO
Since everyone is aware that co-operative is the backbone of every country, cooperative has been developed as a collective effort of the low-income people to meet their minimum human needs and requirements. The interim constitution of Nepal has also accepted cooperative as one of the three pillars of the country’s economy.
Future Goals
The main slogan of cooperative is to bring peace to the nation’s prosperity. Organize financial, social, cultural and other necessities of the organization effectively .Our goal is to bring forward the development of the society and satisfy all its share members. We are moving forward with motto “Mero Panchashil, Tapaiko Panchashil, Hamro Panchashil”.

Our Services

Providing services for 23 years with trust








Total Members


I am satisfied with the services of Panchashil. The member service is really appreciable.

Pradip Fuyal

Security Matrix Trade Pvt. Ltd.

Panchashil really cares about its member. I am glad to be the member of Panchashil’s family.

Bhuwan Parajuli

Panchashil Multipurpose Co-operative Ltd.

Recent News

पञ्चशील बहुउद्देश्यीय सहकारीको २४औं साधारण सभा सम्पन्न, सदस्यलाई १५% लाभांश दिने

ललितपुर–१९, कुमारीपाटीमा स्थीत पञ्चशील बहुउद्देश्यीय सहकारी संस्था लिमिटेडले मिति २०८१/०५/२२ गतेआफ्नो संस्थाको २४ औँ वार्षिक साधारण

Read more "पञ्चशील बहुउद्देश्यीय सहकारीको २४औं साधारण सभा सम्पन्न, सदस्यलाई १५% लाभांश दिने"

पञ्चशील बहुउद्देश्यीय सहकारीको २३औं साधारण सभा सम्पन्न, सदस्यलाई १८% लाभांश दिने

पञ्चशील बहुउद्देश्यीय सहकारी संस्थाको २३ औं वार्षिक साधारणसभा सम्पन्न गरेको छ। उक्त कार्यक्रममा संस्थाका अध्यक्ष अशोक

Read more "पञ्चशील बहुउद्देश्यीय सहकारीको २३औं साधारण सभा सम्पन्न, सदस्यलाई १८% लाभांश दिने"